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Amenity Center Open - Fitness Room Closed

Date: March 05, 2025

We are reaching out to inform you that the Amenity Center has passed inspection and has now Re-Opened for homeowners to use; however, the Fitness Room (treadmill room) will remain Closed until further notice. Essex and our vendors are working to address the necessary flooring, ceiling, electrical, and gym equipment repairs that were caused by the minor leak from the Fire Suppression System. In the meantime, we are working on the possibility of relocating the working fitness equipment to another room in the Amenity Center for homeowner use during ongoing repairs.

Thank you for your understanding, and please be on the lookout for a follow-up notice of re-opening the Fitness Room.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact your Association Manager, Caspar Sullivan at caspar@essexhoa.com, or submit your inquiry via the “Contact Us” tab and an Essex representative will respond promptly.

Montalcino Estates HOA

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