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Gate Access – Resident Instructions
Date: January 28, 2024
Your community has been equipped with a DoorKing Telephone Entry System that will provide communication for your guest from the gated entrance to your home by use of the local telephone network. If you have any questions regarding the use or operation of this system, please contact Gate Access Control Services at or by call Essex Association Management at 972-428-2030.
GUEST COMMUNICATION: Your last name, first initial and telephone number have been programmed into the DoorKing telephone entry system under a specific DIRECTORY CODE. This directory code can be from 1 to 4 digits long. When a guest comes to visit you, they will look up your name in a resident directory (located on the LCD display). Your DIRECTORY CODE will be shown next to your name. Your guests will enter this code on the telephone entry system keypad that will place a call to your home (If your guest already knows YOUR specific directory code, they can simply enter the code on the keypad without having to look up your name in the resident directory). Some telephone entry systems are equipped with a “CALL” button. When your name is displayed on the LCD screen in the resident directory, the guest can press the CALL button to place a call to your home. A guest CANNOT enter your telephone number on the keypad, it MUST be the DIRECTORY CODE ONLY!
GRANTING OR DENYING ACCESS TO YOUR GUEST: Once you have answered the phone call and you have identified your guest, you have the choice to either grant access or deny access to your guest.
Touch-Tone Phone ONLY.
To GRANT ACCESS to your guest, press __9__ on your touch-tone telephone. The telephone entry system will respond with a confirmation tone indicating that the door or gate is opening and will automatically disconnect itself. Some newer telephones emit a very short duration tone when the number is pressed. If your telephone does this, you may have to press the “GRANT ACCESS NUMBER” twice in rapid succession to open the gate.
To DENY ACCESS to your guest, press the “#” key on your touch-tone telephone.
Rotary-Dial Phones ONLY.
To GRANT ACCESS to your guest, dial “9”.
To DENY ACCESS to your guest, hang-up your phone.
CALL WAITING: If you are on your telephone when a guest tries to contact you from the telephone entry system, they will hear a busy signal and will have to wait for you to end your call before they can contact you. To eliminate this problem, you can order call waiting from your local telephone company.
PRIVACY: If you DO NOT want your name listed in the electronic resident directory, inform the gate access control services of this. Your telephone number can be stored in the system without your name being displayed in the directory. If you choose this option, you will need to inform your guest what YOUR directory is, otherwise there will be NO WAY for them to identify YOUR directory code on the telephone entry system’s electronic resident directory.
ACCESS CODE: Your system may be equipped with an “access code” that will allow you to open the gate by entering this code on the telephone entry system’s keypad. Your gate access control services will advise you of YOUR access code if this option is available.
To use your access code, first press the # key, and then enter your four-digit code.
Click here to download and read the Montalcino- Gate Access Resident Instructions
Montalcino Estates HOA